Face, Neck, Arms, Underarms, Chest, Back, Stomach, Bikini, Legs, Full Body.
15-60 minutes
Zero downtime
Hair starts to fall out 5 to 14 days after treatment, and continues to fall out with time. Hair regrowth after a complete course can take many years to return or completely stop forever for up to 90% of hair.
Mild Redness, swelling
Advanced Therapist
Laser Hair Removal Southampton – Totally Pain free & Quick with outstanding results.
Derma Diode 3 wave laser – with ice tip cooling technology combines 3 wave lengths alongside super ice tip cooling technology, to ensure completely pain free results ! unlike IPL. This allows for higher coverage and outstanding results.
The triple laser of our Derma Diode device transfers energy downwards, reaching different depths of the follicle to create even follicular damage.
The laser employs volumetric heating of the dermal tissue, altering the stem cell function of the hair, thus affecting regrowth.
Suitable for all hair types and skin unlike IPL
Results can be achieved fully after 6-8 sessions. Its half the time of IPL !
No of treatments needed-6-8 sessions .
Ideally, if it is your first time, we recommend a course of 6-8 to truly get on top of hair growth and see a reduction by 90% on average. Some people will see results with less depending on their hair and skin type. Once the course is complete you can then opt to have one off session every 6 months to 2 years to maintain the area and prevent hair regrowth.
What are the benefits of Laser Hair Removal?
Permanent reduction in hair growth – 90-100% of hair will not grow back, the hair that does grow back will be finer and will grow back less frequently, which means smoother skin for longer.
Skin texture and tone improved – Continuous use of razors, chemicals, and waxing, tends to damage the skin surface, as a result this causes hyperpigmentation and creates an uneven sko Leave a representative sample unshaven for clinician to assess
Before Laser treatment –
Hair should be cleanly shaven
o Leave a representative sample unshaven for clinician to assess
Do not wear makeup on the treated area the day of treatment
No sun-tanning or self-tanners 4 weeks prior to treatment
o Includes spray tans, tanning lotions, tanning beds, sun exposure, etc.
Some medications or supplements may increase the risk bruising. Consult with your physician
No waxing, plucking or tweezing at least 4 weeks prior to treatment
o Some body parts may require a longer wait time
Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (depilatories, harsh chemicals, etc.)
Notify clinic with any changes to your health history or medications since your last appointment
History of herpes or cold sores may require an anti-viral prescription prior to treatment
After care
After your treatment:
Avoid sun exposure and use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen
Redness and perifollicular edema (looks like a rash/bug bites) are common and resolve with time
Bruising and swelling are less common but may occur and will resolve with time
Hair may take up to 2 weeks to fall out
Avoid heat – hot tubs, saunas, etc. for 1-2 days
Avoid skin irritants (examples below) a few days post-treatment
o Products containing tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc.
Do not wax or pluck between treatments
Notify clinic of any concerns (blistering, excessive redness/swelling, etc.)
Hair removal requires a series of treatments. The number of treatments depends on body location and type of hair.
Consult with clinic about when to resume skin care regime.
Contraindications – Keloid scarring. Vitiligo. Cancer. Active herpes simplex. Active infection. Medication that makes you photosensitive. Tanned skin. Pregnancy & breast-feeding.
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Ready to embrace your best self? Schedule a consultation today and take the first step toward a more beautiful you. We’re here to make your aesthetic dreams a reality. Contact us now!
My commitment to individualized care means that your journey to beauty is a tailored experience, designed just for you.
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