Mentalis Crease

Treatable Areas

Below Chin

Procedure Time

15-30 Minutes



Lasts For

3-6 Months+

Common Side Effects

tenderness, bruising, redness at injection site

Done By

Fully registered GMC Doctor


The mental crease, or labiomental sulcus, is the horizontal crease underneath your lower lip and above your chin. This chin crease is formed by the chin’s mentalis muscle and can be a single groove of varying depths, or in some people, may appear as multiple wrinkles or folds.

A deep or prominent mental crease is not harmful, but some individuals may find it aesthetically displeasing. A more defined mental crease tends to throw shadows on the chin which can make it appear larger. Also, deep lines formed by the mental crease can exaggerate the appearance of aging.

After Care:
Refrain from touching or rubbing the treated areas for 12 hours.
Avoid using makeup on the treated areas for 12 hours.
Avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours.
Stay away from direct sun exposure and heat, such as hot showers, saunas, or steam rooms, for 72 hours.
Swelling is common and varies from person to person, lasting several days before you see the final result. Applying a cold compress to the area will help ease swelling.