Nefertiti Face lift

Treatable Areas

Loose jowls, saggy neck or want to have defined jawline

Procedure Time

15 - 45 Minutes



Lasts For

4-6 months

Common Side Effects

some redness

Done By

Fully registered GMC Doctor


If you have loose jowls, a saggy neck or want a more defined jawline and do not want to have surgery, then the Nefertiti Lift may be a suitable treatment for you. You will need to have a consultation to make sure this is the right option for you.

How does it work?
The Nefertiti Lift works by using a series of injections along the jawline, and into a muscle in the neck, known as the platysma. This relaxes the downward pulling muscles and allows the muscles in the upper face to pull the tissue upwards, creating a lifting effect.

Does it hurt?
You may feel a small amount of discomfort from the injections but the treatment is very quick and minimally invasive.

After Care:
We advise against touching, applying makeup, or rubbing the treated areas for 15 hours, including any facials. Exercise should be avoided for 48 hours, and extensive sun exposure or heat, such as hot showers/saunas/steam rooms, should be avoided for 48 hours. We also recommend refraining from alcohol consumption for 24 hours.